






老外瘋台灣:「美麗寶島」的十大必訪景點 (Part 1)

Yahoo奇摩(新聞)作者: Sean O’Sullivan Traveling in Taiwan: 10 Places to Visit on the “Beautiful Island” (Part 1) 台灣這座隱身在環太平洋邊緣的寶島,或許不像地理位置鄰近的中國或名字很相似的泰國那麼出名,但是台灣以擁有許多特色的景點而自豪,不乏現代、傳統與自然的景色。就跟著我一起走訪那些讓我深深著迷的十大必訪景點,從五個都會區的景點開始,帶大家深入了解現代化的台灣。 Taiwan: the hidden gem of the Pacific Rim. Though perhaps not as well known as nearby China or similarly named Thailand, Taiwan boasts a wealth of places to visit, including modern, traditional and natural scenery. So let’s take a look at 10 of my must-see attractions that made me fall in love with this charming country, starting with 5 urban spots that give an insight into modern Taiwan. 1. 台北101 台北的象徵「台北101」是台北市最高的建築物,如果迷路,台北101是非常容易英文學習認得的地標。雖然不再是世界最高的大樓,台北101本身與周邊地區近幾年來不斷地發展,成為我週六最愛蹓達的地方。在書店翻幾本書、喝個下午茶之後,我可能還來得及到寬敞的電影院看場電影。入夜之後,一間間酒吧與夜店開始營業,讓有人們機會享受活力十足的台北夜生活。 1. Taipei 101 The symbol of Taipei, Taipei 101 rises above the rest of the city, making it the ideal landmark if you get lost. Though no longer the tallest tower in the world, the building and surrounding area have continuously developed in recent years, making it one of my favorite places to spend a Saturday. After browsing the book stores and having afternoon tea, I might catch a movie at the enormous theater. After dark, a number of bars and clubs offer the opportunity to enjoy Taipei’s vibrant night life. 2. 中正紀念堂與國父紀念館 這兩個地標相距不過幾站捷運而已。中正紀念堂最具特色的,是寬敞中央廣場上英文學習那有顯眼寶藍色屋頂的白色館身,以及國家戲劇院。國父紀念館則以中國傳統建築的風格建造,有展覽中心、劇院和圖書館。中正紀念堂與國父紀念館都有衛兵交接儀式,吸引群眾參觀。 2. Chiang Kai Shek and Sun Yat Sen Memorial Halls The two landmarks are just a short train ride away from each other. Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall features an iconic blue and white pavilion towering over a large central plaza and the national theater. Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall is built with traditional Chinese architecture and contains an exhibition center, theater and library. Both halls have formal guard changing ceremonies which draw large crowds. 3. 烏來 當我需要離開人群放鬆一下的時候,我知道去哪裡最合適,位於台北英文學習南端的城鎮「烏來」就是最佳去處,它的原住民文化與天然溫泉赫赫有名。漫步老街,品嚐當地小吃之後,再搭乘纜車觀賞八十米高的烏來瀑布。在溫泉飯店泡湯放鬆或只是在溫泉溪裡泡腳,一直都是我在冬天裡最愛的保暖妙方。 3. Wulai When I need a break from the crowds, I know just where to go. Just south of Taipei is the town of Wulai, famous for its aboriginal culture and natural hot springs. Walk the old street and sample local snacks before taking a gondola ride to view the 80 meter high Wulai Waterfall. Relaxing in a hot spring hotel or simply soaking my feet in the steaming river is always one of my favorite ways to warm up in the winter. 4. 基隆廟口夜市 台灣到處都有熱鬧又有趣的夜市可逛,但令人印象最深刻的夜市在北部港口城市「基隆」。基隆廟口夜市小販的叫賣聲此起彼落,吵雜又人擠人,但這正是逛夜市的樂趣所在。數千名遊客逛著販賣各種台灣美食的攤販,像蚵仔煎,當然還有臭豆腐。在夏夜裡走一趟夜市,所見所聞無不是提醒我:這才是真正在體驗在地文化。 4. Keelong Night Market Taiwan has no shortage of dynamic and exciting night markets to visit, but the most impressive is in the northern port city of Keelong. It is loud, noisy and crowded, but that is all part of the fun. Thousands of visitors browse stands selling all types of Taiwanese delicacies, such as oyster omelets and of course stinky tofu. The incredible sights and sounds of the market on a summer night remind me that I’m truly experiencing the local culture. 5. 台南 台南市位於台灣的西南部沿海地區,相較於北部的台北,台南與台灣的歷史有更緊密的連結。身為台灣最古老的城市,在台南你可以參觀最棒的廟宇,也能吃到最傳統的美食。儘管是大都市,台南引以為傲的是保有台灣人的價值與習俗。在許多台南的節慶活動當中,「蜂炮」最令人為之瘋狂,有朝一日我也想親身體驗一下。 5. Tainan On the southwest coast is Tainan city. Compared with Taipei in the North, Tainan maintains a stronger connection to Taiwan’s past. As the oldest city in Taiwan, Tainan has some of the best temples and most traditional food in the country. Though one of the largest cities, Tainan prides itself on keeping Taiwanese values and customs alive. Among its many festivals, the insane “Beehive Fireworks Festival” is the one I would most like to see for myself one day. 關鍵字 must-see attraction (n.) 必訪景點 vibrant (adj.) 熱鬧的 aboriginal (adj.) 原住民的 local snack (n.) 在地小吃 dynamic (adj.) 有活力的 stand (n.) 攤販 delicacy (n.) 美食(常用複數) pride oneself on … 對…引以為傲 (本文由TOEIC 900網站 提供) 日常生活英文 , 生活英文會話 , 生活英文單字 , 享受生活 英文 ,生活英文學習誌 , 生活英文會話範例 , 日常生活英文單字 , 生活英文對話 , 日常生活英文對話片語 , 日常生活英文會話 , 日常生活 英文怎麼說 , 實用生活英文會話< /span>


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